Thursday, March 13, 2008

Governor--in--waiting David Paterson

ALBANY--David Paterson and his top advisors are racing the clock to get a new team in place and ready to govern by the time he officially takes office on Monday. Some members of Gov. Spitzer's inner circle will be held over to smooth the transition and provide institutional memory with the April 1 budget deadline looming. Others will eventually leave or be shown the door.

But there was one big immediate change: Paterson's chief of staff, Charles O'Byrne, replaces Spitzer loyalist Richard Baum as secretary to the governor, the top job on the Capital's second floor. Baum, a veteran of Spitzer's attorney general days, will remain temporarily in an advisory role.
Bill Lynch, a former Dinkins administration deputy mayor, is advising Paterson during the transition, along with Paterson's father, former state Secretary of State Basil Paterson, and ex-state Controller Carl McCall. Here's how the rest of his team is shaping up: Staying: Two Spitzer aides, First Deputy Secretary Sean Patrick Maloney and Director of Operations Paul Francis, accepted offers to keep their jobs. Maloney is a former Clinton White House counsel and Francis is an independently wealthy Spitzer and Paterson donor. Budget director Laura Anglin will stick around. Likely newcomers: Paterson's former campaign manager, Luther Smith. From the nydailynews 3-13-2008 page 8

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